11 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe

Dİstillation Pilot Plant Design, Operating Parameters and Scale-up Consideration

In spite of the fact that tremendous progress is being made in understanding the performance of both random and structrure packing in distillaiton, it is a long way from beşng able to predict from first principles, the efficiency, capacity and pressure drop of a tower packing using thermodynamic and thermo-physical properties of the chemical system being distilled, as well as the physical parameters of the packing which aids the mass transfer. Those predictive methods that are available in the open literature have limited or poor accuracy if applied to a wide variety of chemical system and tower packings....

10 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba

Separation Processes

Örnek absorber design ve bazı kaynaklar


Inorganic Polymer

Örnek Powerpoint sunumları ve rapor


Food Sensory Analysis

Gıda mühendisliği yüksek lisans seçmeli dersi

Örnek rapor ve Powerpoint sunumları


Materials Science and Engineering

Dersin Powerpoint sunumu

link 1

Bazı kitapların PDF'leri

link 2


What Is Chemical Engineering? What Do Chemical Engineers Do?

Chemical engineers design and operate industrial processes that convert raw materials into valuable products. The need for more sophisticated products and sustainable processes means chemical engineers are in great demand.

Our course concentrates on the scientific principles that underpin modern chemical and biochemical engineering. The aim is to produce graduates that meet the needs of today's process industries by providing technical competence, training in transferable skills, and a thorough understanding of the subject.

Sustainable Energy

Örnek Powerpoint sunumu


9 Temmuz 2013 Salı

Chemical Engineering Laboratory II

Deney rapor örnekleri

Chemical Engineering Laboratory I

Deney rapor örnekleri

Technical Writing and Communication

Örnek rapor

Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design

Örnek proje ve rapor

Thermodynamics 2

Örnek projeler ve raporlar


Heat and Mass Transfer

Heat mass transfer dersinin kitabı (solution manual)

PDF of Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (kitap)


Örnek heat projesi (excell ve rapor)
